In the News
- Thomas W. Hazlett, Stalling the Revolution: How an Old Law Stifles New Innovation, Bloomberg BNA (Sept. 18, 2018).
- Thomas W. Hazlett, Why the Government Will Lose to AT&T, Reuter’s (March 23, 2018).
- Thomas W. Hazlett & Scott Wallsten, Hey, We Might Need that Wall — to Stop Mexico’s State-Run 5G Network, Real Clear Markets (Feb. 22, 2018).
- Thomas W. Hazlett, The Best Way for the FCC to Enable a 5G Future, Reuter’s (Jan. 17, 2018).
- Thomas W. Hazlett, How Politics Stalls Wireless Innovation, Wall Street Journal (Oct. 1, 2017).
- Thomas W. Hazlett, Sinclair and ‘Big Media’: The Outrage that Caused the Outrage, The Hill (Aug. 7, 2017).
- Greg Rosston, Unlocking the Airwaves: Review of Thomas Hazlett’s ‘The Political Spectrum,’ Wall Street Journal (July 16, 2017).
- Thomas W. Hazlett, In Search of Bandwidth, Barron’s (July 8, 2017).
- Thomas W. Hazlett, A Short History of Radio Explains the iPhone’s Success, Harvard Business Review (June 29, 2017).
- Thomas W. Hazlett, Obama’s Misguided Plan to Connect Schools to the Internet, Politico (Aug. 23, 2016).
- Bartley J. Madden & Vernon L. Smith, Give The FDA Some Competition With Free To Choose Medicine, Forbes (Dec. 1, 2015).
- Harold Feld & Thomas W. Hazlett, Speed kills, but Spectrum Bureaucracy Failed to Apply the Brakes, The Hill (June 12, 2015).
- Thomas W. Hazlett, How to Neuter the Net Revolution, Time (Nov. 11, 2014).
- Interview with Thomas W. Hazlett in Scott Berinato, Cable Providers Win Even in an a La Carte World, Harvard Business Review (Oct. 22, 2014).
- Vernon L. Smith, The Lingering, Hidden Costs of the Bank Bailout, Wall Street Journal (July 23, 2014).
- Thomas W. Hazlett & Joshua D. Wright, Micromanaging the Web Would Be a Macro Mistake: The FCC doesn’t seem to realize that antitrust law is enough to ensure fairness, Wall Street Journal (July 13, 2014).
- Thomas W. Hazlett & Scott Wallsten, Taking from the Poor and Giving to the ConnectED, The Hill (Feb. 19, 2014).
- Thomas Hazlett, Gravitational Shift: Competition in Mobile Phones Has Supplanted Competition Among Networks, Barron’s (March 31, 2012).
- Vernon Smith, The Road Ahead: Insolvency, Policy, & Economic Stress, Newsweek (Aug. 15, 2011).
- Vernon Smith, et al., Are Capitalists Happier?, Reuters (Aug. 12, 2011).
- Thomas Hazlett, Googling Innovation, Financial Times (June 30, 2011).
- Thomas Hazlett, Television For The 21st Century, The Hill (June 13, 2011).
- Thomas Hazlett, FCC Net Neutrality Rules and Efficiency, Financial Times (March 29, 2011).
- Vernon Smith, Mired in Disequlibrium: Do for Households What the Fed Sought for Banks, Newsweek (Jan. 24, 2011).
- Thomas Hazlett, Fred Kahn’s First-Class Flight, Financial Times (Dec. 31, 2010).
- Thomas Hazlett, Shooting Blanks on Wireless Policy, Financial Times (Oct. 5, 2010).
- Thomas Hazlett, Is Google More Open Than Apple? Financial Times (July 15, 2010).
- Thomas Hazlett, Putting Economics Above Ideology, Barron’s (July 12, 2010).
- Thomas Hazlett’s Net Neutrality paper submitted to the FCC (April 23, 2010).
- Thomas Hazlett: Net Neutrality: Time for Evidence-Based Policy (Financial Times, Apr. 17, 2010).
- Richard Thaler’s New York Times article on Thomas Hazlett’s spectrum proposal: The Buried Treasure in Your TV Dial (Feb. 27, 2010).
- Arts Technica article on U.S. House hearings on Comcast/NBC merger: Congress Told that Comcast-NBC Merger a Big Crapshoot (Feb. 26, 2010; cites Thomas Hazlett as “one of America’s leading antitrust experts”).
- Thomas Hazlett in the Financial Times: Google’s China Syndrome (Feb. 2, 2010).
- Vernon Smith and Steven Gjerstad in the Financial Times Economists’ Forum: Housing, Depressions, and Credit Collapses (Jan. 24, 2010).
- Thomas Hazlett’s testimony before the Federal Communications Commission, National Broadband Plan Workshop: Review and Discussion of Broadband Deployment Research (Dec. 10, 2009) [Workshop].
- Thomas Hazlett in the Financial Times: Ronald Coase and the Radio Spectrum (Dec. 16, 2009).
- Thomas Hazlett “talks turkey” to TV Broadcasters in TVNewsCheck: Putting a Price Tag on TV Spectrum (Nov. 23, 2009).
- Vernon Smith in Forbes: Governing the Commons: No One Should Now Say “Elinor Who?” (Oct. 10, 2009).
- Thomas Hazlett in the Financial Times: The Broadband Numbers Racket (Sept. 17, 2009).
- Thomas Hazlett in Business Week: The Misguided Urge to Regulate Wireless (July 27, 2009).
- Thomas Hazlett in the Financial Times: A Letter to the new FCC Chair, Mr. Julius Genachowski (June 27, 2009).
- Thomas Hazlett in the the Financial Times: Shovel Ready Broadband Stimulus (May 1, 2009).
- Steven Gjerstad and Vernon Smith in the Wall Street Journal: From Bubble to Depression? (Apr. 6, 2009).
- George Bittlingmayer and Thomas Hazlett in the Wall Street Journal: FDR’s Conservative 100 Days (Mar. 19, 2009).
- George Bittlingmayer and Thomas Hazlett in the Chicago Tribune: The Markets Do Not Believe the “Stimulus” (Mar. 8, 2009).
- Thomas Hazlett in the the Financial Times: Analog TV Switch-off Goes Unnoticed (Feb. 28, 2009).
- Thomas Hazlett in Ars Technica: Muni Wi-Fi Flop a Bad Omen for FCC’s Free Wireless Plan (Dec. 22, 2009).